
wtorek, 29 listopada 2011


Subject: Some interesting facts from my life. Ciekawe fakty z mego życia.

1. what colour/be/your first bike?

What colour was your first bike?

2. where/you/be born?

Where were you born?

3. what/be/name/ of your first teacher?

What was the name of your first teacher?

4. what/be yuor/first word?
What was your first word?

5. what day of the week/ you/ be born?
What day of the week were you born?

6. how old/be your mum/ when you/ be born?
How old was your mum when you were born?

7. How old/you be/ when you/ have/ your first English lesson?

How old were you when you had your first English lesson?

8. you/have/a computer when you/be 8?
Did you have a computer when you were 8?

9.When/you/get your first bike?
When did you get your first bike?

10. when/ you/get your first mobile phone?

When did you get your first mobile phone?

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